After installing Windows and other applications required into the computer, there are some things you should do. Among them are doing some things to speed up and simplify the performance of the computer. For example, arrange for your computer to be restarted more quickly, or bring up hidden menu, use the shortcut for faster access and so forth.
All of the above is a small part of the basic Windows tips and tricks that we submit the following. All tips and tricks here we match to 150 steps easy and safe to do so. 150 tips and tricks, including some step by step guide that is easy following, will make your computer more convenient to work. Of course, ultimately, your productivity growing at a computer.
All of the above is a small part of the basic Windows tips and tricks that we submit the following. All tips and tricks here we match to 150 steps easy and safe to do so. 150 tips and tricks, including some step by step guide that is easy following, will make your computer more convenient to work. Of course, ultimately, your productivity growing at a computer.
A convenient computer just is not enough without accompanied increase the security side. This is important, because the connection to the network, the Internet or to another computer, more or less definite risk. Starting from the spread of the virus to our data collection by people who are not eligible. For that, we also include some basic tips to improve security in Windows.
Some tips and tricks and step by step guide in this paper using specific assistance programs that can be downloaded from several sites on the Internet. But for your convenience, as usual all the programs mentioned in the following text is included in the CD of PC Media. Of course, all programs are tested in labs PC Media.
Installing programs that exist in this paper are mostly from Microsoft's official site. So unlikely these programs can cause errors in your PC. So do not hesitate, continue to follow the basic tips and tricks in Windows that is rarely revealed!
Install Windows Easy and Fun
Backup registry first before editing. To do so, click Start | Run, type regedit. Once the registry window appears, select the menu File | Export. In the Export range, select All and specify a file name, end with a click the Save button.
Many programs are actually installed in Windows, but not active. To activate it, go to Control Panel | Add / Remove Windows Components and check the programs that have not been active.
Before installing a new program or make changes to Windows settings overall, it's better to manually create a Restore Point first. How, Click Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Restore and click Create a restore point.
If you decide to install Windows Update previously didecline, go to Control Panel | System, select the Automatic Updates tab and click Restore Declined Updates.
To set the Windows update runs to suit your needs, set up the first Windows Update. How, open System in Control Panel and click the Automatic Updates tab. Set enable or disable the option Keep my computer up to date.
If you do not have a bootable CD, do not worry. Microsoft already provides a free tool to create a boot floppy at
If the current Windows installation suddenly stopped, turn off the computer and an additional card. For example sound cards. Reinstall and replace the card after the installation.
To add the System Administration Tools is the Start Menu, right click on Start | Properties. Entry in the Start Menu tab and click Customize and then enter in the Advanced tab. Scroll down and check the option Display on the All Programs and the Start Menu.
To install the Backup Utility in Windows XP Home Edition ntbackup.msi find the file in the directory \ valudeadd \ msft \ ntbackup \ on Windows XP installation CD. Run the file and follow Step by step.
Windows XP automatically going to highlight any new programs installed. How to eliminate it, right click on Start | Properties. Go to the Start Menu tab | Customize, then click the Advanced tab and remove the check mark on the option Highlight newly installed programs.
To view the movie or the best games on the computer, make sure that the latest DirextX been installed properly. See the latest version at
There are times when the hardware that will be installed not support Plug-and-Play. For that, use the Add Hardware Wizard in Control Panel | System | Hardware to detect it.
TOP TIPS! Accelerating Work Computer
Actually it only takes no more than 2 minutes to get into Windows since the computer is turned on. However, it sometimes feels very long. To speed up loading of Windows, there are several things you can do. For example, reducing the icon on the desktop and not using a wallpaper that takes up less memory. Replace wallpaper with colored background, and use the Desktop Cleanup Wizard that there can be found by right clicking the icon on the desktop to clean. Do not forget also, run defrag on a regular basis.
TOP TIPS! Accelerating Work Computer
Actually it only takes no more than 2 minutes to get into Windows since the computer is turned on. However, it sometimes feels very long. To speed up loading of Windows, there are several things you can do. For example, reducing the icon on the desktop and not using a wallpaper that takes up less memory. Replace wallpaper with colored background, and use the Desktop Cleanup Wizard that there can be found by right clicking the icon on the desktop to clean. Do not forget also, run defrag on a regular basis.
If you frequently add or reduce the programs on your computer, clean the registry on a regular basis. Use aids such as Registry Mechanic software from the site Unfortunately, trial version of this program can only be used to improve just as much as 6 sections
Another step that needs to be done is to remove programs that are loaded automatically when Windows starts. Of course, the only programs that are not needed. How, by deleting all the contents of the startup folder and open msconfig via Start | Run.
Use the features of File and Settings Transfer Wizard to move files and settings to your new computer. To do so, click Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools, then run the File and Settings Transfer Wizard.
Use the exception of the security settings in Internet Explorer, for the update via Windows Update page runs smoothly. To do so, open Internet Options in the Tools menu in Internet Explorer. Click the Security tab, select Trusted Sites and click Sites button. Fill in the name of the Windows Update site, remove the check mark on the option Require server verificationà ¢ â, ¬  | and click OK.
If you have lost your serial number Windows XP, use the freeware Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder from
If the name is registered in Windows XP you do not fit, fix via the registry. The trick, open the registry and select My Computer. Click the Edit | Find and type RegOwner. If it is found, right click, select Modify and enter the appropriate name. These changes can also be done in key RegCompany.
Internet and Network Performance Improvement
Internet and Network Performance Improvement
To to share a folder on your computer to the network, right click the folder and select Properties. Click the Sharing tab and enable the option Share this folder on the network. Give name and click OK.
Create a My Network Places icon on the desktop by right-clicking an empty area on the desktop and click Properties. Select the Desktop tab | Customize Desktop. Then open the General tab and enable the option My Network Places.
There are easy ways to send messages to other computers on the network, ie using the Console Message. Open the Control Panel | AdministrativeTools | Computer Management | Action | All Tasks | Send Console Message. Type the text you want to send, add the computer name you want to target and click Send.
To set the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF), open Network Connections in Control Panel, right-click an existing connection and click Properties. Open the Advanced tab and enable the option Protect my computer and network by limitting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet.
Manage Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) for each existing connection. Both dial-up or broadband. If your computer is part of the networks connected to the Internet, install the ICF only on the server computer.
To find your IP address, enter in DOS by typing the command in the Run. Then type ipconfig / all.
If you receive a message from the Internet via Messenger, immediately turn off. How, go to Contol Panel | Administrative Tools | Services, and double-click Messenger and then Stop. To prevent recurrence, set so that Messenger becomes Disabled in the Startup.
Turn off Windows Messenger with through regedit. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft, then select the menu Edit | New | Key, and name the Messenger. Then create another key in this way in the Messenger directory with the name of its key client. After that, click the Edit menu | New | DWORD Value, and name-Run Prevent. Right-click PreventRun value, select Modify, fill value 1 in Value data, and click OK.
To find information about the connection on your computer, click Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Information. Select menu Tools | Net Diagnostics. In the window that opens and then select the option Scan your system. Wait until the process is complete to see the results.
Protect your privacy by preventing Windows Media Player application to send data about your computer and your habit of using computers over the Internet to certain addresses. It's easy, In Windows Media Player, select the menu Tools | Options. Open the Player tab, and disable the option Aloww Uniquely internet sites to your player.
To lock a computer that is in a domain network, press the Ctrl + Alt + Del simultaneously and click Lock Computer option. To open again, press the Ctrl + Alt + Deldan enter the password. Configuring Windows Easy and Fast
To disable the autorun feature, right click on CD drive icon, select Properties and enter the AutoPlay tab. Then disable autoplay for each type of file indicated on the list.
Use Microsoft Clear Type Tuning Control of to set Clear Type on the computer.
To view the system files by default be hidden by Windows XP, select the View tab in the menu Tools | Folder Options in Windows Explorer. Enable Display the contents of system folders.
To put the volume control icon in the taskbar, go in Control Panel | Sound and Audio and click the Volume tab. Enable Place volume control in the Taskbar and click OK.
Set the Power button on the keyboard via Control Panel | Power Options on the Advanced tab. Specify the Power button is to choose the option that is available.
Arrange Windows so clean Pagefile when shut down for security. The trick, open the registry and enter the directory HKEY_LOCALMACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control | Session Manager. Edit the value in the Clear key to 1-PageFileAtShutdown. Consequently, the shutdown will last a little longer.
Adjust so that Windows displays the extension of each file. How, in Windows Explorer, select the menu Tools | Folder Options and the View tab. Remove the check mark in the option Hide file extentions for known file types.
Removing the Installed Components Many components of Windows that does not appear in Add / Remove Windows Components and can not be uninstalled.
Open Notepad and choose File | Open. Navigate to the folder Windows \ inf. The contents of the file name sysoc.inf. Click Open to open this file.
Select menu Edit | Replace. Hide Type in the Find field, but clear the Replace With field, click Replace All. The goal is to remove all Hide said in this file. When finished, close and save the file.
Open the Control Panel and select Add / Remove Programs. Then select Add / Remove Windows Components, on the windows that comes out then will appear a few components that were previously hidden.
Change the picture on the welcome screen by going to User Accounts in Control Panel. Open your account and click Change my picture. Determine the image of your choice by clicking the Browse for images on my hard drive or choose among the pictures that are already available.
If it's more like the look of the Start Menu older version, you can change it by right clicking the Start button, select Properties. Select Classic Start Menu and click Customize to set the contents.
To enhance the classic look in the Start Menu, right click the desktop and select Properties. Open the Themes tab, and select Windows Classic from the Theme list.
Add images in a folder, so that the image that will appear when Windows Explorer in the thumbnails view. The trick, right-click the folder you want to be processed, select Properties. Click the Customize tab and click the Choose Picture. Select a picture and click Open | OK.
Adjust the capacity of the Recycle Bin by right-clicking the Recycle Bin icon and choose Properties. Contents capacity you want and click OK.
At the time set Details View in Windows Explorer, right-click one column header untukmengatur any column displayed. Click More if necessary adjust other settings.
To add the programs you use most often in the Quick Launch, drag the program icon in the Quick Launch.
Add the address bar on the taskbar, thus speeding up access to an address on the Internet. The trick, right-click the taskbar, select Toolbars | Address. Double click to open and close it.
Make the look of Windows Explorer-like view on the My Computer window. The trick, right-click Windows Explorer icon and select Properties. In the Target area, after the% SystemRoot% \ explorer.exe add / n, / e, / select, C: \ and click OK.
To add a program shortcut on the top row the Start Menu, right-click its icon in the Start Menu then click Pin to Start Menu.
In order for a drive or folder can be entered in the Send To menu, drag shortcuts to the folder \ Documents Your Settings \ \ SendTo.
Looking SendTo folder? Just click Start | Run and type in SendTo and click OK.
To clear the list of documents in the My Recent Documents folder in the Start Menu, right-click Start, select Properties. Click Customize and go to the Advanced tab and then click the Clear button list. So no one else who appears in the My Recent Documents, disable the option List my most recently opened documents.
Fast User Switching. With Fast User Switching, a user does not need to log off while another user login.
To enable Fast User Switching, entry in the Control Panel and select User Accounts. Click on the option Change the way users log on or off, and enable the Use Fast User Switching.
In order for dial-up connection is still running even though Fast User Switching is enabled, go to the registry directory HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon.
Right click on the right panel and select New | String Value. Give the name Keep Ras Connections and give the value 1. Restart the computer.
51. To view the actual contents of the My Recent Documents folder, click Start | Run, then type% USERPROFILE% \ Recent.
Multiple User Settings
Multiple User Settings
To switch between user accounts, press the Ctrl + Alt + Del, then the Task Manager window that opens, select the Users tab. Right-click the user name you want to use and click the Connect button.
Add the Guest account so that others can use your computer. How, open User Accounts in Control Panel, click the Guest | Turn On the Guest Account.
Remember to always log in as System Administrator before making changes which impact on computer performance.
To copy the user profile, entry in the Control Panel | System. Included in the Advanced tab and click the Settings button in the User Profiles. Highlight the profile you want copied, and then click Copy to and specify the storage location profile. To change the permissions, click the Change button.
Replace the Welcome screen with a login dialog to increase the security level. How, go in the User Accounts in Control Panel, select the option Change the way users log on or off and disable the Welcome screen.
Use the Shared Documents folder to store which can be opened filefile others in the network. This folder can be found in My Documents \ Other Places area.
In Windows XP Pro Edition, the password can expire if not used long log. To avoid this, set up so that Windows does not do so. To do so, click Start | Run, type userpasswords2 and Enter. Open the Advanced tab and select the Advanced user management, click the Advanced button and select Local Users and Groups. Right-click the user name and select Properties. Open the General tab and enable the Password never expires option.
Give the name of each partition or drive you're with a different name. It is important to facilitate the search for the file.
Create a password reset floppy disk as an emergency when lost passwords. How, go to Control Panel and open User Accounts. Select your account and select Prevent a forgotten password to start the wizard.
Settings Files and Folders
Settings Files and Folders
Create a compressed folder by right-clicking an empty area on the desktop and select New | Compressed (zipped) Folder. Give the name and drag and drop the files you want to compress the folder.
A compressed folder can be protected with a password. How, open the File menu | Add a Password. Fill in your password and fill in once again to confirm.
A compressed folder contents can still be added by drag and drop the file you want compressed into it.
When running Disk Cleanup, select the option Compress old files for compressing files that are not needed, so much disk space can be saved.
Encrypt or random files can be done in Windows XP Pro Edition by right-clicking My Computer, select Properties. Open the General tab and click Advanced. Enable the option Encrypt contents to secure data.The easiest way to rename a file or folder is to select it, then pressing the F2 key.
So you can move between folders quickly, especially on the folders that are often open, make a shortcut to any folder you frequently access.
Reset the file association by way menhakan Shift key while right clicking a file. Select Open Withers ¢ â, ¬ Â | Select a program with which you want to open the file and enable the Open option use the selected program to open this kind of file. Then click OK.
Customize the music file storage capacity by opening Windows Media Player and select the menu Tools | Options. Open the Copy Music tab and adjust the size of capacity by moving the slider.
If you keep all documents in the My Documents folder, then all the files more easily in the back-ups and system restore is not affected.
If a file copy of the CD is not accessible, then remove the Read-only attribute. The trick, right-click the file and select Properties. Uncheck the Read-only option.
Arrange the display of each folder by right-clicking on My Computer folder. Select Properties and click Customize. Select the templates that are available or choose an image to your liking. Click OK to save the settings.
You can rename several files at once who has the same character in the same folder as well. For example, a collection of photos or images. How, select all the files which you want to rename, right click the first file and click Rename. Give your name, for example Koleksi.JPG, then all other files will change its name to the Collection (1). JPG, Collection (2). JPG, and so on.
Sending Faxes. Did you know that Windows XP has a tool to send and receive faxes?
Open the Control Panel, select Add / Remove Programs and click Add / Remove Windows Components. Enable the Fax Services and click Next.
Click Start | All Programs | Accessories | Communications | Fax | Fax Console to run the Fax Configuration Wizard. Set all settings, including fax and modem numbers used and the settings for incoming faxes.
Make all the faxes from the Fax Console. Check out all the content before it is sent, including the setting and so forth.
Set Print Quality
You can print multiple photos at once, also set the layout and other options the easy way. First, open the photo files in the My Pictures folder, then select the menu File | Print. Photo Printing Wizard will appear. Set the printer you want to use and layout will be used. Some printers allow printing multiple photos on one paper.
Set Print Quality
You can print multiple photos at once, also set the layout and other options the easy way. First, open the photo files in the My Pictures folder, then select the menu File | Print. Photo Printing Wizard will appear. Set the printer you want to use and layout will be used. Some printers allow printing multiple photos on one paper.
Instead of having to adjust printer settings every time you use it, make a copy of your printer. Set each with different options as you need.
You can use a character that does not exist on the keyboard, but can be used in the Windows Character Map feature. To open, you can find in Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Toolss | Character Map. Or type in à ¢ â, ¬ Å "charmapà ¢ â, ¬
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