Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 7, 2011

Interesting Collection of Widgets For Blogs

Widget is a great way to add a few knick-knacks and uniqueness to your blog. Do you want to display statistics show visitors to your blog or your website that connects visitors to your web site, you can do with widgets.

Recently I got a site that contains 50 Great useful widgets for your blog and wanted to share it for you. Most of these widgets work fine for Blogger and WordPress, so not a problem for the blogging platform you use.

Through the list widgets please you choose and install some new widgets to test drive on your blog. I recommend not over-decorate your blog with too many knick-knacks, as it will reduce the usability and functionality of the widget or just the opposite would lead to chaos your blog, a blog with too many widgets will only confuse and obstruct the view of the content on your site .

Here are 50 more great widgets to your blog:

1. MyBlogLog's Recent Readers - This widget shows the avatar of the blog visitors Anda.Dengan MyBloglog popularity of this widget is able to convince Yahoo's management to buy shares, you must have a yahoo account to get this widget.

2. Mashable - This widget provides the sort of news reel (headline news) in the element that provides a snapshot blogger news / social networking posts. There is a choice of colors that can be customized with your blog layout.

3. Flickr Flash Photo Stream Badge-Display photos of flickr profile with a touch of flash. To get this widget you need a yahoo account.

4. Preview Anywhere - for users of snapshots for wordpress bloggers called this widgets available in the settings. Its function is to see a preview of outgoing links with a small display a popup when visitors mouse over the text or banner that "contains" links.

5. Twitter Badge - If your life a lot of interesting things and wants others to know what activities you are doing at any time, you can display snippets short sentences 'a paragraph such as' The widget is suitable for installation on blogs Anda.Widget This will display a "tweet" your latest.

6. Digg News - Link to showing the latest entry into Digg (a social bookmarking) with a choice of theme and easy to set according to your blog template.

7. Feedjit - featuring real-time blog visitor data directly, which can be installed in the sidebar of your blog.

8. LineBuzz - inline comments for your blog. Support for blogs with very high frequencies above 900 mhz discussion / comments prolonged.

9. Flixn - If your laptop is connected webcam, so this widget can display / show your expression directly through your blog. So the blog visitors do not just read your post but can see the 'concert' in front of your monitor, like a webcam yahoo.

10. 3jam - Visitors can interact with your blog by sending an SMS on your mobile phone, without them knowing your mobile number.

11. Jaxtr - Like 3jam widget above, with this Jaxtr widget, blog visitors can contact your cell phone without them knowing your mobile number, mobile number you are guaranteed confidentiality.

12. LinkedInABox - Displays your profile at LinkedIn. And this widget is perfect for personal blogs.

13. Box Widget - With this widget, allows your blog visitors to upload files to online storage via widget on your blog.

14. Price of gas - Displays the motor vehicle fuel prices online (U.S. $), "very suitable" for the blog set to discuss traffic / travel (do not need to register only mengcopas script provided Gas-Cost.Net)

15. iBegin Weather Widget - Display weather information in the sidebar of your blog. As Price of Gas widget, the widget is only suitable for a blog that was discussing the same problem.

16. ClockLink - Displays hours in various time zones with a nice touch of flash.

17. Film Loops - Displays the conclusion last film you watch through your FilmLoops account.

18. Daily Painters - display paintings from famous painters in the world on your blog.

19. WhoLinked - Shows to your blog visitors to sites that are linking to your blog, do not need to update because this WhoLinked automatically update their own web / blog linking to your blog.

20. Criteo AutoRoll - shows links to blogs that are similar to your blog.

21. Bitty Browser - Displays a mini web browser on the sidebar of your blog.

22. Leafletter - This widget makes a mini website and save it on your blog.

23. WikiSeek - Displays a widget to search on Wikipedia.

24. FeedCount - Displays the number of visitors to your blog through a small banner and widget is related to your feedburner account.

25. Technorati Link Count - Displays the reaction the number of links to your blog from one of the largest and most popular blog directory.

26. MyPageRank - Here's another way to show how great and beneficial to your blog by displaying Google Rank or Google PageRank (PR). Google PR assessment is calculated based on ranking of 1 to 10, the greater the increasingly popular means of your blog.

27. CheckPageRank - Other options for displaying your blog's PR, but the advantage of this widget also shows your Alexa ranking.

28. BlinkxIt - Displays a small banner under each post to your blog, when the banner is clicked BlikxIt then exit the mini popup like snapshots and video displays that relate to your blog postings.

29. Skype button - like a widget that displays the online status of YM on your blog, widget only the difference is almost equal status online / offline on your Skype account is displayed.

30. RockYou Horoscope - This widget displays the horoscope / forecast and well designed in full color box, no advocate / widgets should not be installed on Muslim bloggers.

31. Tagometer - This widget displays how many users bookmark your blog.

32. Linkrolls - This widget displays your recent bookmarks from

33. Timelines - Need to create a timeline to your blog? Then this widget is easy to use, only need to enter your blog RSS and enter width and height.

34. PollDaddy - PollDaddy gives you easy create an interactive poll or survey with themes that are very beautiful and show them your log dib.

35. Vizu - another option to create a poll widget on your blog, widget excess is compatible with any blog platform.

36. AnswerTips - Display answers from for various terms contained in your blog.

37. AnswerBoxes - Still widget of this widget Answer.Com only provide opportunities for visitors to your blog to include terms that do not understand and get answers from Answer.Com.

38. Now Playing - If you want to share a playlist of music you're listening and want to also listen to your blog visitors, who will do the trick Signamp how it could happen.

39. BuzzBoost - Displays headlines from RSS FeedBurner your blog, or other blog.

40. LibraryThing - show the last book you've read.

41. Plaxo Address Book - Let your loyal visitors to access the guest book them directly from your blog.

42. AuctionAds - Widget that displays auctions from eBay, and give you a percentage of the price paid if one day there is a buy.

43. aStore - AuctionAds Similar to above, only this widget is coming from Amazon. Create a 'simple online shop' in your blog, you will get a bonus if someone bought the goods via your online store.

44. Plazes - This widget displays a map where the position you are now.

45. Stockalicious - Show your portfolio with this widget, and sharing with other bloggers. Let everybody know how much money you have to spend on blogging.

46. Yahoo! For Good - Widget to create a 'charity box' and will be donated to those who deserve it.

47. Giftspace-friend you never know what will be bought for your birthday? Well through this widget let them know what gifts you really want.

48. MixMap - View where visitors to your MySpace profile from a Map.

49. Google Map Widget - Displays a search on google maps from your blog.

50. Google Video Search - Displays the search form from the video selection on your blog.

51. Shoutbox - shoutbox function is to accommodate the short message or a friend of the bloggers who were blogwalking.

52. This Day in History - This widget displays excerpts that today there is the history of what in the past.

53. Headline News - As Mashable widget, this widget also shows a preview headline news from sites all over the world.

54. Calendar - though in the calendar widget wordpress platform already available, but these widgets can still be installed in both wordpress and blogger.

55. Statistic Counter - For those of you who want to see the number of visitors you everyday, then this widget is one that provides such facilities.

56. Web counter Histats.Com - This widget lets you track the visitors can come from anywhere, and count how many visitors your blog everyday, see the IP address of your blog visitors and others.

57. Bravenet Horoscope - Like the widgets RockYou Horoscope, horoscope bravenetpun provides widgets for your blog.

58. Deal of The Day - Still from, is the most newly released widget What's interesting about this widget is a massive discount offered to visitors of your blog.And many more.

Actually there are many more widgets to beautify your betebaran blog on the internet that match your blog template and that you like, but at least the article "50 more great widgets for your blog" this helps you find the widgets you want.

Good luck, may be useful for your Blog ...

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